Prof. Niloy Ganguly
IIT Kharagpur
With increase in the usage of the Internet, there has been an exponential increase in the use of online social media and networks on the Internet. Websites like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, Google+, FourSquare, Pinterest, Tinder, and the likes have changed the way the Internet is being used. However, widely used, there is a lack of understanding of privacy and security issues on online social media.
Privacy and security of online social media need to be investigated, studied and characterized from various perspectives (computational, cultural, psychological, etc.). Student completing the summer school will be able to appreciate various privacy and security concerns (spam, phishing, fraud nodes, identity theft) on Online Social networks, and will have hands-on experience on collecting, analyzing, and inferring some security and privacy aspects of OSN.
IIT Kharagpur
Microsoft Research India
IIIT Delhi
IIIT Hyderabad
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
IIIT Sri City
MPI-SWS, Germany
IIIT Delhi
IIIT Hyderabad
IIIT Hyderabad
IIIT Hyderabad
IIIT Hyderabad
IIIT Delhi
IIIT Delhi
IIIT Hyderabad